GraphicalModels : Table of Contents
- GraphicalModels -- A package for discrete and Gaussian statistical graphical models
- bidirectedEdgesMatrix -- the matrix corresponding to the bidirected edges of a mixed graph
- Coefficients -- Optional input to choose the base field.
- covarianceMatrix -- the covariance matrix of a gaussian graphical model
- directedEdgesMatrix -- the matrix corresponding to the directed edges of a mixed graph
- gaussianIdeal -- correlation ideal of a Bayesian network of joint Gaussian variables
- gaussianMatrices -- Matrices whose minors form the ideal corresponding to a conditional independence statements.
- gaussianParametrization -- the parametrization of the covariance matrix in terms of treks
- gaussianRing -- ring of gaussian correlations on n random variables
- globalMarkov -- Global Markov statements for a directed graph.
- hiddenMap -- Creates a linear map from a ring of probability distributions among observed discrete random variables into a ring of probability distributions among observed variables and one hidden variable specified by the integer input.
- identifyParameters -- solving the identifiability problem: expressing each parameter in terms of covariances
- localMarkov -- Local Markov statements for a directed graph.
- marginMap -- Generates a linear map on joint probabilities for discrete variables that replaces marginals for indeterminates.
- markovIdeal -- Ideal of constraints associated to a list of independent statements among discrete random variables.
- markovMatrices -- The matrices whose minors form the ideal associated to the list of independence statements of the graph.
- markovRing -- Ring of probability distributions on several discrete random variables.
- pairMarkov -- Pairwise Markov statements for a directed graph.
- SimpleTreks -- optional input to choose the type of parametrization in @TO gaussianParametrization@
- trekIdeal -- the edge elimination ideal of a directed graph, or the trek separation ideal of a mixed graph
- trekSeparation -- the trek separation statements of a mixed graph
- VariableName -- Optional input to choose the letter for the variable name.